Seashore White is a super dense material and wears well over the course of time, performs extremely well for interior or exterior flooring applications, if sealed properly after installation.
The seashore white is commonly used for a modern clean white design. It gives a very rich appeal in any application.
The stone brings beauty and elegance of clean white lines and creates an elegant look to any application it is used in.
Seashore White is a porous stone that should be sealed with a high quality penetrating stone or marble sealer to close its pours and keep it from staining or attracting mold or mildew and allow it to be easily maintained.
Coral Classics by A&P recommends Stain Proof by Dry Treat for all flooring, interior or exterior and 40SK by Dry Treat for cladding applications.
Seashore White can be fabricated into many different things from fireplaces to columns, window and door surrounds, and more.